GT-MRE aims to develop and deploy a platform that integrates virtual environment of teaching and learning (VLE) by providing open educational content online, accessed by mobile or conventional devices, and supplemented by interaction with remote lab.
In a first moment are beneficiaries of the project are students and teachers from the basic education, technical education and higher education in Brazil and countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), who make their registration and obtain authorization to access to RExLab from where all the material produced is available for use. The same applies to countries with other languages because, through partnerships is intended to adapt the teaching materials into other languages.
In a macro view the prototype / service is implemented from three large blocks called: "Mobile Remote Experimentation (MRE)," "Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)" and "Educational Contents". The block called "MRE" includes remote experiments and the application for mobile devices (WebApp) for control and observation of remote experiments and access to educational content in multi-platform computing.
CC-BY-NC-SA: that license allow which others remix, adapt and create starting your works for no commercial goal. Since they attach the credits and which licensing of new be versions in same license.
The fifteen remote experiments available until then, are devices that allow to work with real physical systems via the Internet using conventional devices (personal computers, laptops, etc.) or mobile (tablets, smartphones, etc.).
The hardware and software resources used in accessing labs are developed by the group using low-cost and open resources. The used hardware resources depart from RaspberryPi, which together with an acquisition and control board developed by the laboratory, control variables of the experiments and returns values read by the sensors.